Identifying and Repairing Roof Leaks

During winter months or stormy seasons, more buildings are in need of roof repair. Depending on whether your building has a flat or pitched roof, the repair process is a little different.
Flat Roof Leaks
The benefit of a flat roof is that it allows extra room for large machinery such as air handlers to sit. This can mean the roof is more susceptible to leaks, though.
Most of the time, a flat roof can be patched rather than having to be completely replaced. Leaks are harder to find on built-up roofs made with tar and gravel than on the single-ply roofs with rubber membranes. However, BUR roof is more durable, making the single-ply roofs more likely to become cracked or damaged.
Patching a flat roof is a fairly simple task. The damaged portion is removed, and a patch is secured to seal it, protecting your building from the outside elements. When it comes to roof repair, the single-ply roof has the advantage, as there is only one layer to repair and thus fewer materials to buy.
Pitched Roof Leaks
Leaks on pitched roofs can come from three different places – shingles, flashing or valleys. Because of the slope of the roof, technicians will often look for leaks along the building’s interior rather than try to balance on the slippery roof.
Once the leak is found, the damaged shingles must be removed and replaced. If it is a tile roof, the broken tile must be loosened before the tile is removed and reapplied to hold the new tile in place. Cracked flashing can often be repaired with flashing tape, but if the damage is extensive, technicians may have to completely replace the flashing.
No matter what kind of roof your building has, always consult roof repair professionals if you suspect you have a leak. They have the skills and experience to assess and fix your roof in an efficient and safe manner.